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Images of Philosophy in the History of Art

Aristotle, Roman copy after Greek Bronze by Lysippos @330 BC, Painted marble, Museo Nazionale, Rome

St. Augustine, Greek artist, 12th Century, Mosaic, Capella Palatina, Palermo

Aristotle Ridden by Phyllis, late 14th century, Bronze, Metropolitan Museum, New York

Boethius Instructing His Students and Boethius in Prison, 1385, Illuminated manuscript miniatures, Glasgow University, Glascow

St. Thomas Aquinas, Fra Angelico, 1447-51, Fresco, Granger Collection, New York

Crying Heraclitus and Laughing Democritus, Bramante, 1477, Fresco to canvas, Brera, Milan

The Three Philosophers, Giorgione, 1508-09
Oil on canvas, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
Oil on canvas, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

The School of Athens, Raphael, 1510-11, Fresco, Stanza della Segnatura, Vatican Palace, Rome

Sir Thomas More, Holbein, 1527, Oil on canvas, Frick Collection, New York

The Four Philosophers, Rubens, 1611-2, Oil on canvas, Palazzo Pitti, Florence

Rembrandt as the Laughing Democritus, Rembrandt, 1629, Oil on copper, Private collection

Democritus, Velasquez, 1629, Oil on Canvas, Musee des Beaux-Arts, Rouen

Portrait of Descartes, After Hals, 1649, Oil on canvas, Louvre, Paris

Aristotle with a Bust of Homer, Rembrandt, 1653, Oil on canvas, Metropolitan Museum, New York

John Locke, Kneller, 1697, Oil on canvas, Hermitage, St. Petersburg

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, de
La Tour, 1753, Pastel, Musée d'Art et d'Histoire, Geneva, Switzerland
La Tour, 1753, Pastel, Musée d'Art et d'Histoire, Geneva, Switzerland

Denis Diderot, Fragonard, 1769, Oil on canvas, Louvre, Paris

Voltaire, Houdon, 1778, White marble, National Gallery, Washington DC

The Death of Socrates, David, 1787, Oil on canvas, Metropolitan Museum, New York

Socrates Defending Alcibiades at Potidea, Canova, 1797, Marble, Gipsoteca Canoviana, Possagno

The Last Words of Emperor Marcus Aurelius, Delacroix, 1844, Oil on canvas, Musee des Beaux-Arts, Lyons

The Philosopher, Manet, 1865, Oil on canvas, Art Institute, Chicago

Plato's Symposium, Feuerbach, 1869, Oil on canvas, Staatliche Kunsthalle, Karlsruhe,

Democritus, Delhomme, Stone, 1868, Museum garden, Lyons

School of Aristotle. Fresco by Gustav Adolph Spangenberg, 1883-88

Socrates, Brancusi, 1922, Oak, MOMA, New York

Sartre, Cartier-Bresson, 1946, Photograph, Magnum, New York

Bertrand Russell, Rockwell, 1967, Illustration, Ramparts Magazine

Richard Rorty, Steven Pyke, 2003, Photograph
My Sketches of Philosophers

Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679), English

Leo Strauss (1899-1973), German-American